This involves drawing on skills you have developed over time, including thinking, researching, planning, writing, speaking, problem-solving and advocating for yourself.
You can be successful in your job search, but it requires a reasonable investment of time and energy.
Here are some steps to follow to ensure your success:
- Step 1 – Identify and analyze your skills, values and interests.
The first step in a successful job search is to think about what you want to do and determine how your skills, values, and interests match the expectations of the position.
Take a skills assessment to help you determine what career field you want to pursue.
Determine if you need to acquire additional skills or experiences to be more competitive in the job search process, i.e. licenses or credentials.
- Step 2 – Develop your materials and refine your social media presence.
You will need to have a great resume that you will then modify for each specific job.
Work on writing your cover letters.
Be prepared to submit a personal statement or letters of recommendation, if necessary – some employers ask for them.
Review your social media accounts, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, to ensure that the image you present online is representative of how you want to be seen by potential internship sites and other professionals.
- Step 3 – Look for the types of jobs that match your interests and skills.
Focus your job search by identifying potential employers by area of interest and geographic area.
- Step 4 – Use your network.
Employers and job seekers alike say that networking is the most powerful tool you can use to find a job.
Many positions are filled by candidates that the employer knows through their network.
Your network contacts can also help you polish your documents before submitting them for review.
- Step 5 – Maintain an organizational structure and persevere.
An organizational structure will help you keep track of your contact network, dates, and follow-up information.
Here are some examples of things to write down: jobs you applied for, dates you applied, when you should follow up, dates and times of interviews, names of people you made contact with, dates you followed up and people you spoke with, and weekly or monthly goals.
It may be helpful to follow up after you submit your application.
- Step 6 – Prepare for interviews and practice introducing yourself.
Even if you’ve successfully interviewed for college admissions, scholarships, and summer jobs or service, this is a different kind of interview. Practice, practice, practice.
Make sure you have the appropriate professional attire.
Many interviews also involve a meal, so be sure to brush up on your etiquette.
- Step 7 – Follow up after the interview.
Following up with an employer after an interview or even after you’ve submitted your application is something many job seekers are hesitant to do because they think it could be considered harassment.
However, if done professionally, following up can demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest.
If the organization has requested « no calls » or « no emails, » follow their instructions. Be patient and respect the request.
Be patient. For most employers, it takes months to fill a position; what may seem like a long time to you may be lightning fast for an organization.
- Step 8 – Do your homework to decide whether or not you will accept an offer and be prepared to negotiate if necessary.
You can make a list of pros and cons to help you determine if the job is a good fit for what you want to do.
- Step 9 – When you are ready to begin:
Remember to do what it takes to stay engaged and make sure you are prepared to be a successful professional in the workplace.